Monday, October 21, 2024

Helene and Milton


Whew - we made it through Helene and Milton. Most of our clients and candidates were very understanding about our situation.  Getting prepped for a hurricane is a lot of work and the clean up after is a lot. We were lucky that there was minimal damage to our property.  My sons patched the roof and added a tarp until we get a new roof put on. Our neighbors got hit hard with two rounds of flooding – all their possessions were on the curb. My town hadn’t been hit by a hurricane in 100 years.  

We’ve all been trying to show grace to everyone. We’ve been helping neighbors and they've helped us. Thank you to our clients who understood our situation.  Interestingly, we discovered some people don’t have any grace. One of the people we were working with at The AG with was upset that we couldn’t get back to them during this emergency. I found their lack of empathy shocking and it’s not anyone we’ll be sending to a client. 

Dave always had a saying framed and it was the only picture on the wall that got wet. Here's what it says - 

“It’s easiest enough to be pleasant,

When life goes by like a song.

But the man worth while is the man,

With a smile when every thing goes

Dead Wrong.”

Monday, August 26, 2024

2024 Hiring Trends

 I’m seeing a few trends in hiring right and it’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out –


A big push back with working from home, especially for anyone in the finance and accounting world. Employers want them back in the office with little to no work from home.

Hiring people over 35 is trending.  Yes, ageism is in reverse. I’m hearing the younger generation doesn’t want to work. They are on their phones more than working and have challenges with communication and interpersonal skills.

Employers don’t want to hire anyone who’s moved around a lot. Understandable if it’s been 10 – 15 years of constant change. But if they had movement during Covid it’s a hiring mistake not to talk to them. The average person moved 3 times during Covid.  A lot of people had to move jobs due to issues with their industry/company and it wasn’t by choice.

Fear – people are fearful right now because of the economy and the political climate. It’s been putting a damper on hiring. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

No Notes and a new recruiter at our firm!!!


The last two months I’ve had the opportunity to talk to a lot of Dave’s clients and listen to their stories about him. It’s been awesome to hear how many people he’s helped over the last 30+ years.  Dave has helped people since they first graduated from college until now!  A funny musing anyone he knows well he never kept notes on them – he’d just remember everything about them. So, it’s been an interesting process with no notes – I’m interviewing people that the firm has known for years just to complete their file – we like to get as much detail as possible, so we place them at a great company!

Exciting news - we have a new recruiter at the firm, Sharon Ryder. She has over 25 years of experience recruiting and is excellent with sales, marketing and biz dev people.   Call us, she’d be happy to assist any of your recruiting needs.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Dave is retired from The Ankenbrandt Group. We’ve spent over 30 years working together recruiting, arguing, negotiating, and laughing about work while managing the firm. I remember my first recruiter job description written on a napkin from a local coffee shop, my first deal closing and all the months of work to get to that point. Since then, there’s been lots of deals and many ups and downs, but we’ve always held our standards high at the firm and continued our good work.  The family company has been a challenge and a pleasure for me.  I’m excited to take the helm and continue to recruit for our amazing clients.

Dave will be missed but for us he’s just a phone call away – unless he’s offshore fishing.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Who do you know?


So, you’ve been using the power of YES to reach out to people. That’s positive networking and it is key to finding a new job. It’s all about who you know. How many applications have you sent into companies with no response? Some people have sent 100’s.  You must get in front of the hiring managers and LinkedIn is a great place to do that.  How to find more people to connect to?

1.     Research companies within a commutable radius of your home.

2.     Find the hiring managers at those companies and send them a connect.  Most people are nice and will accept a connection. 

3.     Follow up with a quick elevator pitch about you. 

This may not always work but it’s a quicker way to get in front of Manager/Director/VP than going through their application process.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The power of YES... and


When I’m recruiting on social media, I’ll ask for someone to connect to me and if I can send the job description. Occasionally, I get a NO. It doesn’t happen that often but when it does, I think about the power of YES. You can open your network, develop more friends, meet your new boss with YES.

Think about this - If you’re not interested and happy in your job you can always say, “Yes, please send it, although, I'm  currently very happy at my job.” Who knows the job could be an amazing fit if not you just made a new connection/friend. Use YES, and.

By using YES, and - It keeps the connection open and creates a positive interaction.  Positive YES networking can get you a job, a spouse, a new friend, a business associate. It opens your world to new people and ideas.  Say YES.

Monday, July 31, 2023

New Adventure


Montana was amazing! I came home refreshed and ready to work. New and exciting things are on the horizon for Ankenbrandt. After over 40 years recruiting Dave will be retiring by the end of the year. He will still be available for special project work!

I have a great business development teammate on board to work on our Tampa Bay business– Lily Salem. We work together at Career Bright.  You'll find her at a few business events all over Tampa as well as reaching out to new CA, TX and TN companies!  We also have Mark McKay on board handling all Operations – all the stuff I’m bad at like programing phones and fixing computers. He created our new logo!  Amanda will still handle all our accounting and billing.  We’re off and running to an exciting new adventure.

Looking forward to the company's future.