So, California passes a law stating as an employer you can’t ask salary history which is supposed to protect the future employees from losing money and unfair discriminating practices. From my understanding the company can ask salary expectations. Most people believe that it’s against the law for me to ask salary expectations. I’m a recruiter working with multiple companies and a variety of salary ranges. I’m also not the employer. The CA rule has been making difficult for recruiting due to this misunderstanding.
It’s like this weird salary dance between candidates and me. I’m the in between – the person negotiating to
make both parties happy, the company and the candidate with the offer. Usually, I’ll get a range but
occasionally the person won’t give me one which makes it awkward to work with
them because every time I present a job it’s another guessing game and we're dancing around the salary. It's exhausting.
Hey candidates, take
advantage of a recruiter looking to negotiate a great salary for you – give
them your expectations for salary! Keep it easy! They will get you more money. It’s all in the same realm of questions we ask
about, commuting, remote work, healthcare, vacation, salary etc. For a
recruiter is just another item on our check list to make sure you take the
offer – if you get an offer.