Monday, August 26, 2024

2024 Hiring Trends

 I’m seeing a few trends in hiring right and it’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out –


A big push back with working from home, especially for anyone in the finance and accounting world. Employers want them back in the office with little to no work from home.

Hiring people over 35 is trending.  Yes, ageism is in reverse. I’m hearing the younger generation doesn’t want to work. They are on their phones more than working and have challenges with communication and interpersonal skills.

Employers don’t want to hire anyone who’s moved around a lot. Understandable if it’s been 10 – 15 years of constant change. But if they had movement during Covid it’s a hiring mistake not to talk to them. The average person moved 3 times during Covid.  A lot of people had to move jobs due to issues with their industry/company and it wasn’t by choice.

Fear – people are fearful right now because of the economy and the political climate. It’s been putting a damper on hiring.