Tuesday, November 26, 2024

New Roof, New Office and New Market!!


The new roof is on!  It’s truly a relief to have a solid roof over our heads. I’m excited to build out the damaged room into my new home office.  I’ll have a lot more room and a quieter location.   My town is slowly cleaning up - homes and businesses are being fixed.

The people of Florida are resilient and incredibly strong-willed, and we’re excited to work with them. Our firm is continuing to expanding into the Florida market. We’ll always work with our client/candidate base in California, but it’s been exciting to connect to new companies and people.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends, family, clients and candidates from Coast to Coast. May your Thanksgiving Day be filled with love, laughter and joy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024



Progress! On the home front we have the shingles dropped for the roof and are waiting for the permits to be approved.  It’s nice to see progression and a relief to get this process started. Our neighborhood is getting cleaned up slowly and everyone is in the process of repairing their homes.   

Workwise we felt a slowdown a few months before the election and heard about a lot of real estate construction projects being put on hold or scrapped and sold. Now I’m hearing that the market is freeing up. I’m hopeful that since we are past the election cycle we can all get back to work!