Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fried Creative Ability

After taking time off during the holidays and being in full mommy mode, I find myself back at work and working well recruiting but my creative, writing energy is zapped. I think all the art, cookie baking and Christmas projects I did while trying to entertain our kids who were stuck inside a lot during all the rain fried any creative ability I have. I need a creative vacation. I have nothing inspirational to say this week but I do have a few things I learned over the holidays.

  • 7 days in a small cabin is too much. 5 days is great. We’ll do 5 days the next trip. The last 2 days of temper tantrums we don’t need to relive – yes, I had one too.
  • Baking lots of cookies during bad weather is not smart – the kids need someplace to run off the sugar. Sliding down the stairs backwards in a sleeping bag to burn off steam just makes me crazy – yes my kids did that not me.
  • No giving gifts or getting them makes Christmas a piece of cake. We celebrated the season without commercialism.
  • When in doubt let your kids take the lead in fun. There was no sledding, but lots of rain so they made a mud slide and had a blast. The laundry after that was a bit was daunting.
  • If you’re lucky enough to have your husband say, “Can I help?” Always, always say, “Yes you can!”
  • Dave can handle the office by himself and he does it well.
  • Taking a true family holiday is priceless and I can’t wait to do it again.

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