My customer satisfaction got tested today. I had a bunch of charges on my credit card from Snapfish for a service/product??? So, I called customer service last night and after over 20 minutes stuck on hold, I hung up – had to go get the kid.
Today, I was on hold for 10 minutes, got transferred 4 or 5 times. I lost track off all the people I was talking to and finally got to someone named Monica. I suggest if you ever need help at Snapfish just call her at the Consumer Affairs department - 1-866-829-8484 instead of the main customer service number – that number was a nightmare. Go straight to Monica and avoid all the middle men who seem to be some where in a call center far, far away.
After much discussion about this “Value Pass”, which I never ordered, asking them for proof that I ordered the service, which they did not have, I got my refund.
Am I satisfied with the result? Yes. Would I use them again? I’m not so sure. I didn’t like being signed up by them for something I never would use. I order cards once a year at Christmas and being signed up for a monthly "value pass" for product that I use yearly, not so cool. Do the pictures look cute that I’ve ordered? Darn right they do because my kids are cute. I know, I’m biased about that. So, in December will I use them again despite the customer service nightmare? We’ll see? Check back with me then.
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